Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A Little Back Story

So, before we move forward, we must take a look back. Frequent questions of how I got into fitness and why I wanted to become a personal trainer/health and life coach have often come up in conversation. So I figured now would be a good time for me to reflect, but further introduce you to the 'root' of my journey. So, here goes doorway to a vulnerable point in my life.

As most of you know, I am currently on my third year of marriage with my wonderful (yet, no doubt, sometimes annoying) husband, Ruben. But once upon an adolescence, I was married before (if that's what you wanted to call it. No offense, if he ever comes across this. Haha). I was 23, and living in Fallbrook, California. We were in a hardcore honeymoon phase, my medical insurance has canceled in Arizona, seeing as they found out that I was residing in another state (makes sense now that I'm older). I was currently diagnosed with a benign tumor in my nasal cavity that needed to be removed. We decided, *cue annoying cali girl voice*, 'since we were eventually going to get married eventually anyways', we'd do it since I needed to get this surgery done. Let me do you a favor and forward this a little bit. 11 months later....yeeeeahhhhh.....11 months later, we separated and started the process of a divorce. Input "Shit Happens" HERE. Luckily, we were able to stay civil friends. But anyways, when we had separated, I noticed that ya girl was building a bakery with all the muffins chilling at the top my pants/shorts. I finally got the lady balls to step on a scale. 192.6 lbs. No lie, guys. This little 5'1" psycho was only a couple pounds shy of 200 pounds. Wholly My 600 Pound Life. Talk about a meatball. Garlicky butter roll. After ugly crying for a few days, I mustered up more lady balls and got a personal trainer. It all started with a homie named Robert. He worked at the place I went for physical training for my back. Which were problems I had self induced due to my weight. Anyways, we started out slowly, an introduction to personal training, a lot of basics I currently implement into my style of training now. And when it came to nutrition, no drinking, cut out crap, no eating out. Basic, simple things that become second nature after a while. Small habits that I had built overtime. I.E. not eating for hours at a time, snacking too much on unhealthy junk, drinking a beer with every meal. After about a solid two weeks of bad jokes, more ugly crying, and purging my pores of whiskey and cheap beer, 13 pounds in my first 2 weeks. And it became an instant obsession. 

Fast forward to a petite 125 pound Megan. By then I had been about 3 years into my fitness journey and have never felt better. I knew within the first year of my personal training that that was what I wanted to do. To be. A personal Trainer. I had hung out in the self sabotaging shadows too long. As mentioned before, I have depression and anxiety. And both were at an all time high (along with my weight). I don't think I could ever explain the high I get from kicking my own ass. Pushing myself and changing my mentality on what me and my body was capable of. I was able to find a HEALTHY outlet that didn't involve getting piss drunk and driving home. Or eating half a gallon of ice cream or craving unwanted and unhealthy attention. I wanted to do that for other people. To guide and coach them and PUSH them into things they never thought they were capable of. Shortly after starting, and finding a solid groove of a healthier lifestyle and working out, I found the power behind lifting, and fueling my body and mind with healthy food. I found out that all of my self doubt, all of the stress that I had been so overwhelmed with, was all me. Being overweight, being stressed about being overweight, being SAD about something that I had essentially done to myself, was definitely a harsh reality. But that what I want to do for people. Be the harsh reality that causes life-changing movements. I want to be the needle-mover in someones life.

I have a lot of reasons as to why I wanted to be this huge influence in world. Everyone has some sort of WHY behind their WHY. So lets dive a little bit deeper. My daughter, Charlotte. Having a kid definitely changed my perspective on what I was capable of in life. And I will always be thankful for the ability to be a be her mom. 

Find your reason. Your TRUE and HONEST reason behind whatever movement you choose. And don't let Life get in the way of your path. 

Until next time guys!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Little Intro to Hustle Hut Health and Fitness

Today is the day. The start of a new, life-long adventure. Hustle Hut Health and Fitness. Something I've been wanting and working towards for a good while. Ever since I started my own fitness journey (just about 5 year ago now), it has been a mission. Not only for myself, but for other's around me. The power that comes from the ability to change myself mentally, emotionally, and physically is such an exhilarating high that I could probably never understand, nor explain. Anyways, enough of the cliche's. 

My name is Megan Martinez Aello. I am a 28 (almost 29) year old stay at home mom of an almost 2 year old daughter. Certified by National Personal Training Institute in Personal Training. And currently working towards a certification in Nutrition Coaching, as well as Life Coaching with Health Coach Institute! I live in Washington state with my husband, daughter, dog and guinea pig, and a partridge in a pear tree. As mentioned before, I've been aiming to have my own business to be able to educate and teach people about fitness, health and nutrition, but also how to cope when it comes to Life. You know, that thing always giving you a hard time and creating obstacles and hurdles for you to crawl over. Yeah, that guy. 

I'm looking forward to tracking my progress within school, but also within my own life. I struggle...not struggle. That makes it sound like I'm consumed by it. I DEAL with Anxiety and Depression. And mild (self-proclaimed) OCD. And for as long as I can remember, my biggest trigger has always been self-image and not being happy with it (duh). Well, that will be documented here as well. How I personally cope with day to day struggles, and how my health and fitness affect that. Should it be good or bad. And yes, there's a bad side to working out as much as I do. Crazy stuff, right? 

Anyways, I could ramble on and on for days...hours. Days is a little excessive. But I could continue to gabble for a good amount of time. Buuuuuuut, I also believe in leaving them wanting for more. Ya nosy turds. ;) 

Until next time!
Megan Martinez Aello
OFFICIAL owner of Hustle Hut Health and Fitness

No Rest for the Wicked

This blog is going to be a little all over the place, but that's my current state of mind. One thing I've learned over the years whe...