Wednesday, May 29, 2019

A Little Back Story

So, before we move forward, we must take a look back. Frequent questions of how I got into fitness and why I wanted to become a personal trainer/health and life coach have often come up in conversation. So I figured now would be a good time for me to reflect, but further introduce you to the 'root' of my journey. So, here goes doorway to a vulnerable point in my life.

As most of you know, I am currently on my third year of marriage with my wonderful (yet, no doubt, sometimes annoying) husband, Ruben. But once upon an adolescence, I was married before (if that's what you wanted to call it. No offense, if he ever comes across this. Haha). I was 23, and living in Fallbrook, California. We were in a hardcore honeymoon phase, my medical insurance has canceled in Arizona, seeing as they found out that I was residing in another state (makes sense now that I'm older). I was currently diagnosed with a benign tumor in my nasal cavity that needed to be removed. We decided, *cue annoying cali girl voice*, 'since we were eventually going to get married eventually anyways', we'd do it since I needed to get this surgery done. Let me do you a favor and forward this a little bit. 11 months later....yeeeeahhhhh.....11 months later, we separated and started the process of a divorce. Input "Shit Happens" HERE. Luckily, we were able to stay civil friends. But anyways, when we had separated, I noticed that ya girl was building a bakery with all the muffins chilling at the top my pants/shorts. I finally got the lady balls to step on a scale. 192.6 lbs. No lie, guys. This little 5'1" psycho was only a couple pounds shy of 200 pounds. Wholly My 600 Pound Life. Talk about a meatball. Garlicky butter roll. After ugly crying for a few days, I mustered up more lady balls and got a personal trainer. It all started with a homie named Robert. He worked at the place I went for physical training for my back. Which were problems I had self induced due to my weight. Anyways, we started out slowly, an introduction to personal training, a lot of basics I currently implement into my style of training now. And when it came to nutrition, no drinking, cut out crap, no eating out. Basic, simple things that become second nature after a while. Small habits that I had built overtime. I.E. not eating for hours at a time, snacking too much on unhealthy junk, drinking a beer with every meal. After about a solid two weeks of bad jokes, more ugly crying, and purging my pores of whiskey and cheap beer, 13 pounds in my first 2 weeks. And it became an instant obsession. 

Fast forward to a petite 125 pound Megan. By then I had been about 3 years into my fitness journey and have never felt better. I knew within the first year of my personal training that that was what I wanted to do. To be. A personal Trainer. I had hung out in the self sabotaging shadows too long. As mentioned before, I have depression and anxiety. And both were at an all time high (along with my weight). I don't think I could ever explain the high I get from kicking my own ass. Pushing myself and changing my mentality on what me and my body was capable of. I was able to find a HEALTHY outlet that didn't involve getting piss drunk and driving home. Or eating half a gallon of ice cream or craving unwanted and unhealthy attention. I wanted to do that for other people. To guide and coach them and PUSH them into things they never thought they were capable of. Shortly after starting, and finding a solid groove of a healthier lifestyle and working out, I found the power behind lifting, and fueling my body and mind with healthy food. I found out that all of my self doubt, all of the stress that I had been so overwhelmed with, was all me. Being overweight, being stressed about being overweight, being SAD about something that I had essentially done to myself, was definitely a harsh reality. But that what I want to do for people. Be the harsh reality that causes life-changing movements. I want to be the needle-mover in someones life.

I have a lot of reasons as to why I wanted to be this huge influence in world. Everyone has some sort of WHY behind their WHY. So lets dive a little bit deeper. My daughter, Charlotte. Having a kid definitely changed my perspective on what I was capable of in life. And I will always be thankful for the ability to be a be her mom. 

Find your reason. Your TRUE and HONEST reason behind whatever movement you choose. And don't let Life get in the way of your path. 

Until next time guys!

1 comment:

No Rest for the Wicked

This blog is going to be a little all over the place, but that's my current state of mind. One thing I've learned over the years whe...